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Home > Long green in a sentence

Long green in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-02-28Updated:2024-02-28
Similar words: putting greenbowling greenbreeding groundgrey-greengreengreenegreenygreens
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1. Long green satin curtains had been pulled to cover the tall windows.
2. Why to long green Chun Dou?
3. We will provide all the long green resources cabinet!
4. What does long green Chun Dou on the face?
5. The boy will have plenty of long green in a couple of years.
6. For the peace of my years in long green grass.
7. The creek, a long green finger flowing south to the Yellowstone River, is surrounded by sagebrush and wind - lots of wind, which, as Jarrett would explain later[ ], is a good thing.
8. The computer prints a word, e.g. caterpillar, with a picture of a long green caterpillar beside it.
9. Now she was standing outside my school in a black floppy hat and long green coat, waiting for another boy.
10. In the stone and the stone inside the gap, but also long green moss.
11. Yesterday I went to the zoo, let me most impressive is a long green snake and put his half body in a circle.
12. For the peace of the years I sleep in the long green grass.
More similar words: putting greenbowling greenbreeding groundgrey-greengreengreenegreenygreensgreenergreenwaygreenlygreenishsea greengreeninggreen goldgreenlandgreenflypea greengreenerygreen peagreen teagreen baysea-greengreenhousegreenhorngreenwichjade-greengreengageblue greenmoss green
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